Verkeers- en Attractiepark Duinen Zathe

Theme Park:Verkeers- en Attractiepark
Duinen Zathe (since 2020)
Attractiepark Duinen Zathe (2011 - 2019)
Speelpark Duinen Zathe (2002 - 2010)
Address:Noorder Es 1
8426 GW Appelscha
Operated by:Unbekannt

The Verkeers- en Attractiepark Duinen Zathe in the Frisian municipality of Appelscha is a small all-inclusive theme park for the whole family. Opened as Speelpark Duinen Zathe, the theme park has its origins as a catering business in 1958, before it moved to its present location. Families with small children have always been the main target group of the park.

Fun Fact: Large parts of the Verkeerspark were previously part of the Verkeerspark Assen, which was closed in 2014.


Highlights of the Theme Park





A surprisingly good dark ride



Spur & The Big Apple

A mild family coaster


Super Nova


Super Nova

A swinging ride


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