Böhmischer Prater

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Theme Park:Böhmischer Prater (since 1883)
Address:Laaer Wald
1100 Vienna
Operated by:Various showmen

The Böhmischer Prater or Bohemian Prater is a small and historic Tivoli next to the recreational area of Laaer Berg in the Favoriten district of Vienna, Austria. The park features some older amusement rides and some more modern family-friendly equivalents. It also houses a nice restaurant offering all the typical dishes you should not miss when in Vienna.


Highlight of the Tivoli



Shark Trip

A small family roller coaster


Organ Music and a Small Roller Coaster

Böhmischer Prater

In addition to the large Wiener Prater, there is a second inner-city amusement park, the Böhmischer Prater, in the Favoriten district of Vienna on the edge of the Laaer Berg recreation area. In addition to more modern facilities, the park offers a number of historical treasures, such as the 125-year-old horse carousel, the 86-year-old caterpillar track and the somewhat hidden flight carousel.

The park is mostly aimed at children, who appreciate the park very much, even though the most visited attraction on this day was the mini golf course. In general the park was well visited this Sunday, probably due to numerous communion celebrations, so that even the search for a parking spot was a bit exhausting.

Shark Trip

As a roller coaster, the park can feature a ride by SBF Visa, which interestingly, like all other rides on this parcel, was controlled from a central place. The never-ending ride on the Shark Trip turned out to be much faster ride than the classical wacky worms of the same company.

Pictures Böhmischer Prater

Conclusion Böhmischer Prater

The Böhmischer Prater is a park which families with small children will definately enjoy. In comparission with the more famous Vienna Prater, the park will not empty your wallet. The gastronomic establishments are well attended, rides and other amusement facilities are numerous and street entertainment is also offered by numerous barrel organ players. You simply cannot do anything wrong by visiting this small amusement park.


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