Wildpark Lüneburger Heide

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Animal Park:Wildpark Lüneburger Heide (since 1970)
Address:Am Wildpark 1
21271 Hanstedt
Operated by:Fam. Tietz

Wildpark Lüneburger Heide is a wildlife park in Hanstedt, Lower Saxony nearby the cities of Hamburg and Lüneburg. The park was founded in 1970 and is currently being operated by the Tietz family. The animal park features a lot of domestic species as well as tigers, peacocks and brown bears.


Highlights of the Animal Park


Wildpark Lüneburger Heide


Brown bears


Heide Himmel


Heide Himmel

A tree-top walk at extra cost





Wildpark Lüneburger Heide


Prairie Dogs


Wildpark Lüneburger Heide


Red deer


Wildpark Lüneburger Heide




Wildpark Lüneburger Heide (2020)

Wildpark Lüneburger Heide during the Covid-19 pandemic

The Wildpark Lüneburger Heide near Nindorf close to Hamburg has been open to visitors again since last Wednesday. For Corona reasons, visitors are currently required to wear masks in the entrance area and when ordering at the food stands and in the shops. Apart from that, one appeals to common sense and does not interfere any further with what is going on – at least this is the case in the actual zoo; at the tree-top trail Heide Himmel there may be longer waiting times due to the current one-way policy, as the exit for many visitors has to be via the lift at the observation tower and use is only permitted for groups belonging together. In general, the management of the park is really exemplary in this respect. The newly gained normality is visibly good for the visitors, but those who continue to be frightened by Corona should rather visit during the week or skip it for the time being.



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Wildlife in the Lüneburg Heath

Wildpark Lüneburger Heide

The Wildpark Lüneburger Heide is one of the two wildlife parks in direct proximity to the hanseatic city of Hamburg and thus one of the excursion destinations of my childhood. It was always the less popular park, as it lacks a huge playground and free-running pot-bellied pigs. Nowadays, the criteria are a bit different.

The biggest advantage of the park is its reasonably flat terrain. In contrast to the Wildpark Schwarze Berge you don’t need to climb down steeper pathways. Depending on the chosen round tour you can spend up to two hours and more within the park. You need longer, if you watch all the shows and attend all of the animal feedings.

The animals shown are limited to a large proportion of native wild animals, as the name of the park suggests. However, there is also a generous tiger and brown bear enclosure and peacocks run free within the park. In general, the enclosures are very generously designed and well visible through the round tour. The animals are mostly curious and begging for food. But be careful when you provide some of the food to an ostrich, as they pick it up quite rapidly and without any warning.


Compared to the other animal parks in the Lüneburg Heath, the Wildpark Lüneburger Heide can only score due to its untouched landscape. However,  a glimpse of the wild life of the Lüneburg Heath does not hurt; neither your wallet, nor the interested animals friend. The offer, outside the numerous animal enclosures, could be higher and more qualitative. Nevertheless, if you just have a few hours to spend the park is definitely worth a visit.


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