Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover

Animal Park:Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover (since 1996)
Zoo Hannover (? - 1995)
Zoologischer Garten Hannover (1865 - ?)
Address:Adenauerallee 3
30175 Hannover
Operated by:Region Hannover

Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover in the centre of Hanover in Lower Saxony is one of the biggest and most important animal parks in Germany. The park was founded in 1865 and was operated as a traditional zoo with small sized enclosures till the ’90s. In regard of the upcoming world exposition Expo 2000, the park changed its face and created some of the most unique themed areas and enclosures.

The zoo offers a wide range of animals shown in seven beautiful themed areas. The enclosures of the animals are typically large and species-appropriate. The park also offers a variety of attractions and shows, which are all included in the park admission.



Highlights of the Animal Park





The Mountain of the Monkeys




Indischer Dschungelpalast

A very exotic area




Meyers Hof

Home to many farm animals


Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover



A great children’s area





Deep in Africa




Yukon Bay

Probably the most beautiful themed area


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