Over the Bode using a witches’ broom


The Wie-Hex installations are certainly not among the most popular products of the manufacturer Wiegand, which is known above all for its toboggan runs and steel tub slides. Nevertheless, this year a second generation witches’ broom in a remarkable version, the Boderitt, was installed in the second fun park of the Seilbahnen Thale Erlebniswelt, near the cable car up to the Hexentanzplatz and in the immediate vicinity of the first generation witches’ broom.

Seilbahnen Thale Erlebniswelt


A little later than I thought, I reached the Erlebniswelt in the Bode Valley – which is run by the manufacturer Wiegand – only to be at the Boderitt way too early. Although the opening hours were clear, the new Wie-Hex had not even completed his test rounds, and even worse, it had not even started. Only on demand the ride was set in motion, but it was much colder than expected and the cars had a hard time to make the track at all. After almost an hour, a technician started up the ride after numerous attempts.

With the course of the day completely turned upside down, I was able to take a seat in the vehicle familiar from the Ski- und Rodelarena Wasserkuppe. After inserting the necessary 3 chips, the vehicle immediately starts moving and climbs the first lift hill. Without any noticeable deflection you make a left turn and then a small detour along the terrace of the restaurant. After a further left turn, the car is braked almost to a standstill in the following right turn, as the second lift hill is approaching. Back on a higher level, followed by a swerve, there is a serpentine-like play of curves that is driven somewhat faster, whereupon the third lift hill is reached. You also leave this hill in a left turn, followed by a wide right turn. Not surprisingly, after another change of direction you reach the final lift. The now following slope is a little more distinctive and the two curves also have a narrower radius through which the gondola swings a little more. However, also in this case, one is braked too soon and consequently one crawls towards the exit position.

The Boderitt is only remarkable because of its size, unfortunately not due to the ride. Compared to the witches broom of the Wasserkuppe, the swinging of the cars is almost non-existent, neither rocking forwards or backwards nor swinging to the side. Admittedly, the ride was certainly not yet sufficiently run in at that time and therefore the swinging might have been much lesser than in the late afternoon; but that doesn’t make the track, whose highlight in the end were the four lifts themselves and the final curves, any better. Nevertheless, it enlivens Funpark 2 at Seilbahnen Thale Erlebniswelt and fills it well, as does the new water ride from the manufacturer Zierer.

Pictures Seilbahnen Thale Erlebniswelt


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Ski- und Rodelarena Wasserkuppe

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Alpine Coaster:Rhönbob (since 1997 - 2017,
refurbished in 2018)
Part of the Ski- und Rodelarena Wasserkuppe
36129 Gersfeld
Operated by:Wiegand Erlebnisberge GmbH

The Ski- und Rodelarena Wasserkuppe is a small excursion destination on the Wasserkuppe in Hesse and home to the 1470m-long Alpine Coaster Rhönbob and other attractions from the manufacturer Wiegand. The Alpine Coaster has an altitude difference of 105m and offers an extremely varied track with a multitude of jumps, waves and other fun elements on its 1km long downhill run.


Highlights of the Amusement Park




A small Suspended Coaster




A breathtaking Alpine Coaster


Alpine Coaster on the Wasserkuppe

Ski- und Rodelarena Wasserkuppe

The Ski- und Rodelarena Wasserkuppe near Gersfeld is owned by the Wiegand family and, in addition to the prototype of the Alpine Coaster, offers two summer toboggan runs, a high ropes course and the Wie-Li transport cableway as well as another variant of the Wie-Hex, in which the course is not done in a lying position as in the Erlebniswelt Seilbahnen Thale, but rather resembles a small suspended coaster.


The ride on the Hexenbesen begins right after you have inserted the 2€ for the ride or scanned your card, with a small predrop into the lifthill. The first curves follow in which one swings out a little before it goes up a further lift hill, whereby the gondola swings a little strangely up and down. After two further curves the third lift hill is reached before the gondola goes up a small curve combination towards the end of the ride.


After the obligatory programme has been completed, the highlight of the Ski- und Rodelarena Wasserkuppe follows, which can at best be described as Lightwater Valleys The Ultimate among the Alpine Coasters: The Rhönbob. Although its age and the status of the prototype, this is also due to trees falling onto the track from time to time, so that a consistent rattling could develop and a wildness that one looks for in vain on new-fangled Alpine Coasters. Despite its length of almost one kilometre, the track is driven through quite fast, which cannot be reduced so quickly even by the interesting braking system of the bobsleds. At the latest after crossing the Wie-Lis the wild part of the ride follows and thus one tight curve after the other until you leave the forest and enter the jumps. Shortly before the end of the ride there is a small jump, followed by a big jump and a tight right turn after which you descend at insane speed. Afterwards the unsuspecting passenger is released with a big grin in the direction of the lift.

The Rhönbob of the Ski- und Rodelarena Wasserkuppe surprised me very much, whereupon I immediately had to take a second ride to make sure what I had just experienced. It is definitely one of the better and wilder rides and should be ridden without question despite its sometimes unusual and quite brute riding style.


What is your opinion about the Wiegand Alpine Coaster Rhönbob and the other attractions of the Ski- und Rodelarena Wasserkuppe?  Just write it in the comment field below the report or visit our social media channels: