Since the Covid-19 virus broke lose, I worked and never stoped. Besides my job, I also did a lot of stuff for this website. On one hand I was happy to do that, but on the other one I got more and more tired of doing so. I needed a break. Shortly before the summer vacations in Europe would have started, most of the travel restrictions were lifted and we could finally travel once again. Instead of going onto a large roller coaster travel this year I decided to join my father, who has a house nearby Dénia in Alicante. As direct flights were far too expensive, I decided to give Madrid a visit and take the train to Gandia afterwards.
As always, I drove to Madrid mainly for the theme parks, but after a very crowded Parque Warner on Saturday, I’ve decided to have a very long walk through the city instead. It was a very interesting experience, as the city was for the most part deserted. Places with normally a lot of tourists were empty. Even the pubs during the late evenings were empty.
It is very hard to believe that it was once again a Covid-19 hot spot a month later, as everyone wore a mask basically everywhere and even the social distance was kept in all occasions. Here in Germany, I’m surprised that we never experienced such throwbacks, as we were never as strict as the Spanish.
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