Tobu Zoo Park

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Theme Park:Tobu Zoo Park (since 1981)
Address:110 Miyashiro-cho Ooaza Suga
Saitama 345-0831
Operated by:Tobu Group

Tobu Zoo Park (東武動物公園) in Miyashiro near the city of Tokyo is a Japanese animal and amusement park, which also operates the Tobu Super Pool, a water park, during the summer months. The easiest way to reach the Tobu Group amusement park is by train to the Tobu-Dobutsu-koen Station.

Founded in 1981, the amusement park is home to a variety of family-friendly rides, including the famous Kawasemi roller coaster. The animal park belonging to the park is very species-rich, however, the species-appropriate animal husbandry is mostly not given.

Fun Fact #1: The Kawasemi roller coaster was built on the foundations of the Rocky Mountain Coaster.

Fun Fact #2: When the Ferris wheel Emma’s Cheese Windmill was constructed, you could admire for a short time two big wheels in the park.


Highlights of the Animal and Theme Park


Tobu Zoo Park


Emma’s Cheese Windmill

The large Ferris Wheel





The first Mega Lite




Regina II

The great wooden coaster





The classic family coaster


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