Serengeti Park

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Theme Park:Serengeti Park (since 1974)
Address:Am Safaripark
29691 Hodenhagen
Operated by:Fam. Sepe

Serengeti Park in the LĂĽneburger Heide near Hodenhagen is a very large family-run animal and amusement park, whose main attraction is the approximately 7km long car safari, where you can get really close to the animals.

Since 1974 you can go on safari either by bus or in your own car. In addition, the Jungle Safari is a large area with walk-in enclosures where you can get a little closer to numerous species of monkeys. Away from the animal focus there is the Abenteuersafari, a classic amusement park, which impresses with all kinds of water rides and unique offers. For example, in the Serengeti Park you can take an adventure ride in a quad or monster truck.


Highlights of the Animal and Theme Park



Aqua Safari

On King Kong’s trail



Batukai Racer

The wild roller coaster ride



Big Foot Safari

The ride in the monster truck



Black Mamba

The Jet Boat Safari



Kumba Twister

The fast-paced swing



Mokora Wildwasserfahrt

The wet and merry log flume




On safari in your own car



Splash Safari

The speedboat ride



Safari Blitz

The Indoor-Spinning-Coaster



Past Highlights of the Animal and Theme Park




A wild ride



Chura Racer

The classic family roller coaster




A legendary ride


Wildpark Schwarze Berge

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Animal Park:Wildpark Schwarze Berge (since 1969)
Address:Am Wildpark 1
21224 Rosengarten
Operated by:Fam. Vaubel und Otten

Wildpark Schwarze BergeWildpark Schwarze Berge is a wildlife park in Rosengarten, Lower Saxony nearby the city of Hamburg. The park was founded in 1969 and is currently being operated by the Vaubel und Otten families. The animal park features a lot of domestic species and is famous for its free-running pot-bellied pigs.


Highlights of the Animal Park


Butterfly • Heege Butterfly



The Heege classic


Wildpark Schwarze Berge



The observation tower with a view of Hamburg harbour


Animals / Tiere


Pot-bellied pigs


Wildpark Schwarze Berge





Red deer


Wildpark Schwarze Berge




Wildpark LĂĽneburger Heide

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Animal Park:Wildpark LĂĽneburger Heide (since 1970)
Address:Am Wildpark 1
21271 Hanstedt
Operated by:Fam. Tietz

Wildpark LĂĽneburger Heide is a wildlife park in Hanstedt, Lower Saxony nearby the cities of Hamburg and LĂĽneburg. The park was founded in 1970 and is currently being operated by the Tietz family. The animal park features a lot of domestic species as well as tigers, peacocks and brown bears.


Highlights of the Animal Park


Wildpark LĂĽneburger Heide


Brown bears


Heide Himmel


Heide Himmel

A tree-top walk at extra cost





Wildpark LĂĽneburger Heide


Prairie Dogs


Wildpark LĂĽneburger Heide


Red deer


Wildpark LĂĽneburger Heide

