A day at Serengeti Park


After I spontaneously wanted to go to BonBon-Land with Stefan and Hauke and for various reasons it didn’t work out, the trip was postponed for a few days into the future and Hauke and myself went to the Serengeti of the Lüneburger Heide and visited the Serengeti-Park in Hodenhagen.


The journey to Hodenhagen already pointed to a fuller day. The motorways were well frequented, the weather was not the worst and so it happened that we were stuck in a traffic jam for about half an hour. After we left the cash desks behind us and parked our car in the best location to the amusement park part, we visited the park part first, because the Serengetitour was still much too full for us. But there is also the possibility to drive with our own car through the safari.

Froschflitzer and Die! Wilde Maus

In terms of roller coasters, Serengeti Park has two rides. The first roller coaster of the park was the Tivoli Large Froschflitzer, which has an amazing number of pairs of friction wheels and generally rides a bit slower than other rides of this type. The second roller coaster is located in the Wasserland section of the amusement park and is the former fairground roller coaster Die! Wilde Maus from SBF Visa, known from the sister park Magic Park Verden. Although the ride is quite small, the small hills after the helix can make you smile in a flash.

The HUSS Corner

Almost all rides in this park were designed to match the theme and have a good to very good ride program. The portfolio of rides ranges from a Mack’s log flume to a small HUSS corner in the Wasserland, where you could ride a Break Dance, Top Spin, Enterprise, Condor, Pirat and even the prototype of a Rainbow. The ride on this ride was just brilliant and full of funny expressions of various powers, but unfortunately the ride, together with the Enterprise, moved to Sommerland Syd for the 2012 season.Sommerland Syd.


Right next to the top spin you can find another rare ride: A Mack Calypso. As with the Top Spin next door, the Calypso is particularly convincing because of its long running time. Apart from that, the ride has unfortunately lost some of its paint, which is why a refurbishment of the ride would be desirable in order to keep it as long as possible.


Not very convincing was the Zierer kite flight Fledermausflug, whose ride time was clearly way too short. Furthermore, the speed of the ride was simply too slow.

Victoria Free Fall Tower

The Victoria Free Fall Tower, a SBF Visa Tower not far from the Kongo boat swing, clearly belongs in the row of absolutely ridiculous rides. The constant up and down can already tempt one to some highlights, but after some time, the course becomes a little bit too monotonous and the not very comfortable bar makes one want to get out of the ride.

The Safaris

Furthermore, the Serengeti Park offers some unusual rides, which clearly include the two safaris (Aqua and Jungle Safari). A little more serious and informative, but not necessarily witless, is the big safari, which can take 1 1/2 hours by bus. The bus stops at the petting enclosure and at the elephants.


If you are interested in monkeys, a visit to the Affenland is highly recommended. Here you will find monkey enclosures where you can pet one or the other monkey if you want to and the monkey allows it. Unfortunately the ride is quite ugly in places, so that one or the other investment would be worthwhile.

Pictures Serengeti-Park

Conclusion Serengeti-Park

All in all, Serengeti Park is a beautiful family park, which has some very rare rides that one would not want to miss. For this reason the park is definitely worth a visit and besides the large amusement park in Soltau and the Weltvogelpark in Walsrode, it is a wonderful destination in the Lüneburg Heath.


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