Hamburger Sommerdom (2017)

Who would have ever believed to see the last Mack Rides log flume to disappear from the German fair circuit and yet it is. Since my childhood, Meyer/Steigers log flume Wildwasser dominated all fairs in Northern Germany and of course most of the other parts of Germany as well with its stunning backdrop and the great double drop finale. Let’s see where Mellors will place the Grande-Dame, maybe we will see her again in Skegness in some years.

While Wildwasser shows up for the last time, the VR dark ride Dr.Archibald Master of Time had its great premiere. Sadly, it was broken on my day of visit, but Mr.Greier did a fantastic job on the decoration of the ride. You can hardly tell, that this ride used to be the Geistertempel/Geisterhotel ghost train in its former life.


Will you miss the log flume Wildwasser?  Just write it in the comment field below the report or visit our social media channels:



Hamburger Sommerdom (2016)

Who doesn’t enjoy a ride on a KMG Speed? I certainly do, which is why I took a bit of time to travel to the centre of Hamburg for a ride on Jekyll & Hyde. The new ride by the showman Thelen does not only surprise by its beautiful appearance, but also by its surprisingly smooth and thrill lasting ride experience.


How do you like the KMG Speed Jekyll and Hyde?  Just write it in the comment field below the report or visit our social media channels:



Hamburger Sommerdom (2015)

It is always a good sign if the Spinning Coaster Höllenblitz by showmen Renoldi shows up in Hamburg. Together with Steiger’s Teststrecke and Buwalda’s Euro Coaster, there was a clear and good domination of roller coasters presented at this year’s edition of the Hamburger Sommerdom. Unfortunately, due to upcoming high winds, I could not take a ride with the Star Shape High Energy and therefore focused on getting some pictures with my new lense only.


How do you like Buwalda’s Euro Coaster?  Just write it in the comment field below the report or visit our social media channels: