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Theme Park:Fiabilandia (since 1965)
Adress:Via Gerolamo Cardano 15
47924 Rivazzurra
Operated by:Fiabilandia Rimini SRL

FiabilandiaFiabilandia in Rimini is one of the oldest theme parks in the country. Founded in 1965, the park was created during the boom in Adriatic coastal tourism and can therefore look back on a long history full of ups and downs. The small amusement park is famous for its larger fairy tale rides, all of which are located in the front part of the park.

Fun Fact: The park is home to the first Brucomela / Big Apple roller coaster. Nowadays you can find this type of roller coaster almost everywhere.


Highlights of the Theme Park


Miniera d'Oro Del West


Miniera d’Oro

A child-friendly mine coaster


Space Mouse


Space Mouse

A compact spinning coaster



Valle degli Gnomi

The first Big Apple


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