Hamburger Frühlingsdom (2018)

Technical Park is a very diverse company. On one hand they offer a bunch of brillant and state of the art attractions, but on the other hand they also offer a lot of stuff nobody actually asked for. In this regard, we can be happy that the showman Störzer actually asked for a Pegasus 16, as Black Out is an extremely brillant attactions, which offers a very wild and intense ride experience.


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Hamburger Winterdom (2014)

Häsler’s take on Disneyland’s long gone special effects dark ride Alien Encounter is just awesome. The show ride built by the showman himself offers a great suspense and has some interesting humour attached to it. The special effects are all to the point and leave you with a big grin on your face when exiting the ride. Not as frightening is the Double Jump Tagada by the showman Petter, which has a similar effect on its riders. Overall it was a very nice Winterdom.


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